We’ve Found Your Money!!!

If we have contacted you, we are confident that we have discovered funds that rightfully belong to you or a member of your family. Don’t miss out on what could be yours – let’s reclaim it together!

We all know the saying: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But rest assured, this isn't one of "those" things. If you give us the chance, we'll prove that the funds we've identified are rightfully yours.

Contact us, and let us show you the incredible results of our research. You'll be amazed at what we've found. At Recovery Wizards LLC, our representatives meticulously audit government agencies across the country, combing through public records to uncover lost, missing, and unclaimed funds that belong to private citizens.

If you've received a letter, postcard, or call from us, it's because we've found money that we believe belongs to you. Don't wait—call us now at +1(888)-681-9737. We're ready to help you reclaim what's rightfully yours!

Here’s How It Works



Identifying and Securing Your Unclaimed Funds

Recovery Wizards LLC conducts thorough audits of various governmental agencies nationwide to identify funds owed to private individuals and companies.

If these funds remain unclaimed for an extended period, they are typically forfeited to the holding government agency.


The Paper Work

Initiating Your Claims Process

Once you have consulted with one of our agents and verbally consented to proceed with your claim, we will schedule a convenient time for you to sign the necessary paperwork to initiate the process.

Our firm operates on a contingency basis, ensuring that there are no out-of-pocket expenses for you.

We are compensated solely upon the successful collection of your claim. We assume all costs associated with the claim until it is resolved, and in the event the claim is unsuccessful, you owe us nothing.


Getting The Funds

Efficient Claim Processing and Timely Payouts

Upon receiving our comprehensive paperwork package, we will arrange for a local notary to collect it from your location and promptly return it to our office via overnight delivery.

The processing of claims typically takes between 3 to 4 months, contingent upon the intricacy of each case.

Your entitled share, typically ranging between 60% to 70% of the total funds collected, will be disbursed to you within 30 days of our receipt of the funds.

Don't Lose Your Funds: Act Now Before It's Too Late!

Be aware that these funds are only held for a limited time. After that period, the agency responsible may seize them through a process called "escheatment."

We believe it's completely unfair for private citizens to lose their funds to impersonal government agencies, a system dating back to feudal 16th century England.

We're determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you. Act now to secure what's rightfully yours!

Copyright © 2025 Recovery Wizards LLC

2730 Lochmoor Lane

Burlington, IA 52601